Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A "Cold" day

this is my friend aylin,i took this picture while we were at dance practice in my church. i really love this snow picture i honestly did not expect it to come out like this and it turned out to be really good. i like how she is posing and her face expression.


  1. love this pose! nice genesis. where are your jaguar photos?

  2. I like the expression but you can't really see much of her face.
    I like the mystery that adds to the photo, though. :]

  3. Aww she's cute. The pose is really cute especially with the tilt of the camera. It would have been better without that truck thing in the back. Still good stuff. :D

  4. love the pose, and great shot!
    aww and her expression is cute :DD

  5. Great angle, and her expression and hair are wonderful. :] I wish it had a cleaner background, and maybe snow in her hair to make it a little more... snow-y? haha, but this is a really nice portrait. :]

  6. The angle makes this picture look awesome!
