Friday, April 2, 2010

karen's ring

my cousin gave her this ring for her birthday ...they make the most beautiful couple ever hahah even though they are to young . but i cant do anything bout it best friend is going out with my cousin =_=(by the way the purple hearted ring at the top pic is mine) i got for my quinceanera=D!!!

another picture of me and my friend i made a new watermark !!! please tell what you guys think about it =D the top picture is just a random portrait of karen

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This is vivian she was my model for my retouch project this project was so much
fun and it really helped me learn something new [i love learning something new and putting it into practice] i enjoyed using photoshop to fix this picture. it was really easy and it was the best project i have ever done. all the tools i used where really cool and my favorite tool was the patch tool=D i went crazy with it on my free time =_=.....well please tell me what yu think about it.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

this is a picture me and my friend [karen] took during spring break ..we got really bored so we went to my backyard and started taking random pictures i would set my camera on timer and take these veryy random pics..but it was really fun ..then i made a little strip with two of the pictures we took =_= well please tell me what you guys think ♥

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

this is my montage of a vase with flowers in my church i really loved this project it really helped me and it was intresting .

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This is my second jaguar picture this one has more lighting and its more colorful than the other one. the other picture was like mysterious this picture seemed to be more like if the jaguar poped out of no where and it was just like right there ...hahaha funny descriptions i know =D

this is my jaguar picture i really love how the picture only focuses on the jaguar and the lighting. its really makes the jaguar look so mysterious . please tell me what you guys think =_=